Explore the exceptional range of treatments available here at Skin Solutions.

What Skin Blemishes Can Be Treated

Skin Tags, Moles (Subject to medical approval), Seborrheic Keratosis, Warts, Spider naevi, Milia, Red Spots (Campbell de Morgan spots or cherry angiomas), Age spots, Sebaceous Cysts, Verrucae, Xanthelasma, Thread Veins, Syringoma, Sebaceous Hyperplasia.

Transgender Electrolysis

I have been treating transgender clients for hair removal for many years. You can be assured of respect and regard at all times here at Skin Solutions. Electrolysis is the only BMA approved method of permanent hair removal for transgender clients. My aim is to help you on your 'life Journey', I look forward to welcoming you here at Skin Solutions.

Permanent Hair Removal

Electrolysis is a method of removing individual hairs. Having taught electrolysis for over 13 years at Derby College I now treat private clients in my own clinic. Most areas of the body can successfully be treated using electrolysis. Electrolysis is the only hair removal method that can claim to be permanent. The number of treatments required differs from person to person and can depend on previous methods of removal, causes and strength of hair.

Treatment Prices

Advanced treatments for skin blemishes vary in price as every treatment is suited to your individual needs. Prices start at £150 for a single lesion/blemish.

Permanent Hair Removal 15 minutes  =£30

30minutes  =£50

45minutes  =£70

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Understanding how Advanced Cosmetic Treatments work

Electrolysis has been around since 1875. Electrolysis was introduced to the medical profession by Ophthalmologist Dr. Charles E.Michel. Michel published a record of his success in permanent removal of ingrowing eyelashes! 

Advanced Cosmetic Procedures is performed with electrolysis (Short wave diathermy). Skin blemishes and lesions can be successfully removed from the skin surface with exceptional results.

Advanced Cosmetic Procedures are completely non-surgical. There is no blood loss, so no stitching is required, this is why there is little evidence the blemish or lesion was ever there.

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